Can Chrstian empaths have "Psychic" ablilites?

        Hello friends! Sorry for the long absence. Between having my laptop crash and Christmas, I have been a busy lady! I now have my own new device to blog on again so, I hope to continue to post weekly. Just a quick statement before we get into the meat of this subject. Since learning not long ago, that there is a word for people like me, I have been on a journey to learn all I can. I want to learn about God's calling for my life and for others like me, to be able to understand our anointings, to teach others what I know and hopefully, we will all be able to walk away at the end of the day knowing and understanding a little more than we did yesterday. I am by no means an expert. But, I know the Lord and have walked with Him for years. I know His word and I truly believe it is His will that I write these posts.  Anyway...

I have been tentatively praying about what to post next and found something I believe is important. Well, it might be to at least a few people anyway. Can a Christian empath have "psychic" or "clairvoyant" abilities? I believe the short answer is yes, but we use different words for it. Those words (at least to me) imply that the gift is neither given by or used through the Holy Spirit. Word of knowledge is commonly used to describe that specific gifting and IS given by God. As you know, not everyone has the same gifts. Some are called to preach and some to pray. Others are called to be interpreters of the gifts of tongues, others to be healers. You can read more about the spiritual gifts listed in the Bible here. Just as there are different parts of our physical bodies that do different jobs, so is the body of Christ or the Church. We all have different jobs, gifts and purposes.

Many might believe that the prophets of the old testament aren't in today's world. But if God is the same "yesterday, today and forever", (Heb 13:8) then how can that be? God still has people in this world right now that have the ability to hear His voice. I know other empaths that also have this ability. There have been times that God has shown me something going on in a person's life, that I couldn't have otherwise known. Or a vision of a detail that is only known to the person I am ministering to and God. Usually for the purpose of healing. The secular world might call that clairvoyant or psychic. It is imperative for those who have this gift to remain close to the Lord. What do I mean by that? There are many reasons we need this. Some more obvious than others.

By 'close to God', I mean that we must be in the word. Daily.  Now trust me, this is something I struggle with too. especially being a mother of young ones. But remember that Satan will use anyone and anything to keep us distracted from God. Including our own family. That 5-10 minutes alone with the Lord (if that's all you got) is crucial! If anyone wants to know God and know him better, we need to know His word. Another thing we need to do, is spend time in prayer. We need to thank God for what he has done, for what he is doing and what he will do. Bring your praise and concerns to Him and not only talk to Him, but listen. I've written about this in my previous posts about learning to quiet your mind, so that we can hear HIS voice. That is when I hear him the clearest, is after prayer. When you seek Him in prayer, focus on Him and invite the presence of the Holy Spirit into that room, you condition the atmosphere and your heart to be able to hear him more clearly. His voice won't sound the same for everyone. For me, it sounds like a thought, sometimes louder. For others, it will just be the still small voice in their hearts. He can also speak to you through His word. Yet another reason to read your Bible! You know what I mean? When you come to a verse you know you have read before, but suddenly in that moment it leaps off the page and has a completely new meaning for you! Highlight those babies. It's like finding gold.

While doing some research, I came across an old blog post and an excerpt for a book I just HAVE to get. It explains more about the abilities of the Christian empath and the different ways the revelations of the word of knowledge can come to a person; "The Essential Guide To Healing" by Randy Clark and Bill Johnson. Both the authors are ministers who teach Christian healing principles based on the bible - laying on of hands, anointing with oil and praying for the sick – how Jesus and the apostles healed. Instead of using the term “empathic,” they use terms like discernment, words of knowledge and prophesy. I had never heard the term “words of knowledge,” so imagine how thrilled I was when they described them as “feeling someone else’s emotions, physical symptoms or pain in your own body." I feel and experience my patient’s symptoms on a daily basis – I can tell what a patient is having trouble with before she tells me. I just walk into the exam room and bam! There it is. Words of Knowledge may be something you feel in your body that comes on suddenly, like what happens to me. Here’s what Randy Clark teaches about Words of Knowledge:  
"God gives His revelations in different ways, and that is true of words of knowledge for healing as well as for other kinds of revelation. Some of the more common ways He gives words of knowledge for healing are:
1. FEELING - You may have: a sharp pain in some part of your body, a throbbing sensation, some other sensation, a strong emotion such as fear or panic. (This is what happens to me)
2. SEEING - You may get a mental picture, such as a body part -- perhaps a heart, a foot, an eye, a head, a person with a certain condition such as a limp, a person carefully holding his arm, crutch, eye-glasses, a person walking with a cane, a water bottle, a barbed wire fence, an auto accident.
3. READING - You may see in your mind a person with a word written across his front or back, or over his head, a word written on a wall or on a carpet, something like a newspaper headline, or a banner.
4. AN IMPRESSION (“Thinking” the word.) -You may sense in your mind that someone has a particular condition, or that the Holy Spirit has spoken the word to you. It is a mental impression.
5. SPEAKING - While talking or praying or standing with someone, unpremeditated words may tumble out of your mouth relating to a physical condition you were not aware of.
6. A DREAM - You may have a vivid dream or vision in which you have a new health problem, you see someone with a health problem, you hear someone talking about a health problem.
7. EXPERIENCE IT -Similar to dreaming it, you may have a vivid vision while awake. It may be so strong that you are actually a part of what is happening, not just an observer.

Reading the books on healing by Bill Johnson and Randy Clark (there are many more) has really helped me understand spiritual gifts and how it is possible to be a Christian empath."

After finding this, I bought the book that was mentioned off Amazon and I am excited to get into it! I look forward to sharing with you all what I have learned and to relay any revelations the Lord might lead me to. That will do for this post.

Until next time friends.
