The Christian empath and the healing anointing

            Hi! I haven't written in forever! Between starting a new job, having 6 crazy kids and the busyness of life, I either haven't had time or have been too exhausted to come up with something meaningful to post about. I've prayed about what God would have me write about and healing is the subject that continues to come to mind. It's something I have prayed a lot about lately and most empaths (or "burden bearers" if you prefer the biblical term), seem to lean naturally towards being interested in healing. The Bible talks about laying hands on one another and healing the sick. Not just certain people in certain positions of power in the church, ALL believers. It doesn't say pray and passively "hope" they get healed, or pray, "God heal them if it's your will" because it IS His will. It says lay hands on the sick and heal them. Sounds like a tall order huh? Well, we will take a closer look into to this. Some people are specifically called into this ministry. I feel this is something the Lord has for me as well and you can read about my experience with being called here. With a little faith, I believe there isn't anyone God can't use for His plans and purposes, including you!

As always, lets go to the word on this subject. We know that a very large portion of Jesus' ministry was healing. There are several stories of him doing this, so we certainly won't look at them all, but a few of them stand out to me.  Matthew 10:1 Says, " Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and sickness." He gave them authority to do this and gave it to us as well. Something very powerful happens when we realize the authority we have been given in the name of Jesus! It's not something we need a special anointing for, you don't need a certificate or a degree. It's already been given. When Jesus sent out the seventy-two in Luke 10:18 (One of my fav verses) he said, " I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you." This is also meant for us! Not just those who were there when he said it! When the seventy-two returned they were excited because even the demons submitted to them in His name! We have that same authority! USE IT.

The Lord has used me to bring healing to a few people over the years. The first was just after receiving the anointing. The wife of a friend of mine was in her 60's or so and had knee pain so bad that her doctors recommended surgery. Her husband brought her to my house and we went into a room in my basement so we could have quiet. I began to lay hands on her and pray. While I was praying she said she felt like warm oil was being poured over both her knees which was a lot like how my hands felt when I was at that conference. When she walked up my basement steps afterwards, her pain was nearly gone and the surgery was put off!

Another time, a friend of mine had injured herself in the neck and shoulder and it hurt to lift her arms or turn her head to either side. She couldn't even put her hair in a ponytail and her husband had to brush it for her. The doctor said that she had probably torn a muscle, would require surgery and set up another appointment for 3 days later. I hated seeing my friend in pain, so I laid hands on her and prayed in English and tongues. By that evening, she was able to turn her head. She woke up a little stiff the next day but the improvement continued and by her next doctor's appointment, she was fully functional and in no pain! Her Doctor couldn't explain how she had gotten better and asked her what she did. She told him she has a good friend who knows Jesus. lol

Most recently, another dear friend of mine managed to tear a hole in his retina. 3 of them to be exact. He went to two different eye surgeons in two different parts of the state and upon examination, both doctors found 3 large holes. The 1st didn't believe that surgery to reattach would do much good and the other was more optimistic, which is why they went for a second opinion. A day or so before surgery, a friend and I went to lay hands on him for healing. As we prayed he said he felt warmth in his eyes and I felt it in my hands as well, which is usually what happens to me when the Holy Spirit is near. When he went into his surgery, they found 3 SMALL holes in his retina and were able to reattach them all! I am still believing and praying that he will have full vision restored but so far, it hasn't happened yet. YET. But I have faith.

I am not the only one who has tied being a healer to being an empath. Most of the things you can read from the new age perspective would agree, although they wouldn't attribute this ability to the Holy Spirit. They have what is called "reiki healing", which is the use of one's own energy or "qi" (pronounced 'chee') to attempt heal another person. So, what is it about this gift that many empaths feel drawn to? My guess would be because we can't stand to see pain and suffering whether it be emotional or physical. God can use our sensitivities that some of us may consider a curse, for His glory! We naturally want to help ease another's suffering. I also believe that Jesus is the ultimate empath! There are several mentions of him in the Bible being moved by someone's faith or sorrow to heal and raise the dead! As much as I can physically feel another's sorrow, I can't imagine how much more Jesus could feel! He would have to be God just to be able to withstand all the negative emotions and evil here on earth!

A lot of the things I have learned about healing recently, come from books written by Randy Clark and Bill Johnson. Such as, "The essential guide to healing" and "The power to heal" Both of these amazing men have spiritual gifts similar to mine and have mind blowing stories of faith and healing that you absolutely must read! They are also much better at explaining the scriptures and how they pertain to our call to heal as well as a model of where to start. One of the ways you start, is simply to start praying for the sick. Ask God for opportunities to pray for people, and he'll give them to you. Ask the Holy Spirit to be present when you pray, because we have zero power to heal within our selves. It's all Him. The more people you pray for, the more you will see healed. Keep praying even if nothing seems to happen! Don't get discouraged, because nothing that is worth doing, comes without a price. When we hang out in the presence of God, it changes us. It's impossible for it not to because He is so powerful and His love is unconditional.

Until next time my friends


  1. I am definitely a Christian Empath. I feel things very intensely and seem to know when people are struggling with things. Someone prophesied over me that he saw fire in my hands! I’ve never stepped out in this gift but you are inspiring me to do so! Thankyou.


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