The Christian empath's calling

                                                                                                                                                                                                          I fixed it! I had to rewrite this post because apparently my copying and pasting made the rest of this post literally invisible! So here you go, enjoy.

This should be fun. My laptop just lost it's ability to hold it's screen upright and is literally only still attached to my keyboard by the wires. It's officially janky. And with Christmas coming up, there is definitely no room in the budget for a new one. Joy.

Speaking of Joy, tis the season right? Thanksgiving and Christmas is the season for giving, joy and goodwill towards men, isn't it? At least it should be. There is an awful lot of the opposite going on in the world. Bombings, human trafficking, refugees, genocide, innocent children suffering at the hands of the adults who are supposed to protect them. Watching the news these days is difficult. How God must grieve. It's difficult for those of us who are sensitive to such things as well. There have been days that I have to walk away from the TV and just sit by myself to cry and pray. It's as if I can feel the holy spirit grieving. (I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33) We have hope, we know how the book ends.

As Christians we are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Mathew 25: 35-40 To me, that means that we should treat others and do for people what Jesus would do. In practical terms, we should be giving comfort to the people that are hurting. Lifting them up in prayer but also ministering to them in a way that meets their needs. I truly believe that is the calling of the empath. Why else would God make us sensitive to the feelings of others, if there were no purpose for it? It doesn't even have to cost much. You could simply hug a widow and give her a listening ear. Treat a stranger kindly, because we are all fighting battles most of us are unaware of. Make a meal for someone who has just went through surgery or is in a rough season. Spend time with a child who has lost a parent. Volunteer at your local homeless shelter or soup kitchen. I could list dozens of ways! When we do these things, not only are we doing what the Bible tells us we should do, but our ministry may mean more to that person than we can imagine! Something as simple as a genuine smile might save that stranger from suicide. We might make difference in some one's life. Not because we are awesome, but because God is awesome and we have to let our light shine so that others can find Him.

If you're and empath and you do these things, learn to quiet your mind and God may use you as a messenger. If you know you hear God's voice, even if it's only on occasion, pray that you would hear him more clearly. That is one of the gifts I listed in my last post. Knowing things without being able to explain just exactly how you know them. Not all empaths will have this skill, but many of the ones I know do. It can also be a learned skill. Many of us have the ability to hear God. The hard part is learning the difference between your thoughts and and His voice. Yes I am aware that to people who don't understand that would sound like I am having auditory hallucinations and that I need to be medicated. But it's not like that. When most mentally ill people "hear God" It is obvious that they are not in their right mind. What they say makes no sense and it won't sit right in your spirit. You know what I mean? That feeling in your gut that tells you something is off. Want biblical proof that God can do that? I found a great site with scriptures about it here.

Since finding out about the traits of an empath, I have wondered how many other things in my life have been affected by it without realizing it. Like my weight. As I've gotten older, it has been much harder to take if off and shocking easy to put on. (which of course is normal) I swear all I have to do is get within 5 feet of chocolate cake and I put on 3 lbs. No really. It also doesn't help that I am an emotional eater (imagine that) and that when I am angry or sad, The first thing I want to do is  to get my hands on something smooth, soft and chocolatey. It's mostly a texture thing for me I guess. Smooth is comforting. Anyway, Like any good nerd wanting to acquire knowledge I Googled "empath and hunger". What I found was pretty interesting! There is a connection to our hunger and the energies we have been exposed to. They refer to food as a "grounding device". It makes sense that I would sometimes feel so strongly that I need a certain food it literally almost brings me to tears. Like chocolate. Which is stupid. Seriously. I'm not 2 anymore, why am I crying over food?  Anyone else experience this, or am I alone in my weirdness?

The last thing I want to touch on in this post is protection. No I'm not talking about your glock 9 or your ninja skills. I'm talking about spiritual protection. There are several ways for the christian empath to gain it. Some suggest that you visualize a holy spirit bubble of light surrounding your whole body, only letting in and out what you want. Another way, which I am working on getting rid of, is weight. It's not uncommon for an empath be on the heavy side. (I knew there was a good reason for being fluffy!) Apparently, the faith healers of the 20th century were known for being obese because it helped them not to absorb their patients infirmities. The last but certainly not the least is prayer. This is my go to method of protection. I believe that since God is the one who gave me this ability, he will also give me the protection from the negative side of this gift. I always pray for warring and guardian angels to surround me and my family. I believe it's the reason I have never suffered from depression (unless there was a very good reason for it) as many empaths who haven't learned protection do. Every night,  have to pray protection for my conscious and subconscious mind and my body or I get spiritually attacked. What do I mean by spiritually attacked you ask? Lets just say that I know for a fact that "sleep paralysis" is NOT a psychiatric condition. But more on that another day.

Until then my friends...
