The gift of tongues


              Speaking in tongues. Baptized in the Holy Spirit. Using your prayer language. Tongues of fire. A subject that has been close to my heart for a long while now. It's been called by many names and starting in the book of Acts, is talked about throughout the New Testament. But what is it exactly? Acts 2 says that the disciples in the upper room started speaking in tongues when the Holy Spirit came in like a rushing wind. 1 Corinthians 14 talks about it quite a bit as Paul explains how to use it to build up the church. But what is it? How does one learn to do it? Can anyone speak in tongues whenever they want? Should it be used in the church for today? These are a few of the questions I hope to answer for anyone who might have these questions. As usual, we'll look at what the Bible says and I'll also be adding in my two cents from personal experience. I myself have been baptized in the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues since I was 11 years old.

What is it, and how can one get it? The Bible says that it is the Holy Spirit speaking through us, uttering mysteries to God.  1 Corinthians 14:2Acts 2:4 Says that when the Holy Spirit came into the upper room, ALL received Him and spoke in tongues. I know this is a subject of high controversy and some might disagree with me, but I believe that if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your savior and asked Him into your heart, you have been given the ability to speak in tongues. Not everyone does and I believe that, that's okay too. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 14:5 "I would like everyone of you to speak in tongues..." To me, that means that Paul believed we all have the ability, but that not all of us do. Just as the different parts of the body have different functions, so does the body of Christ or The Church. We can't expect our eyes to hear anymore than we can expect our feet to taste. (Yuck, can you imagine??) So we all shouldn't be expected to do it. There are certain denominations that believe if you don't speak in tongues, you don't really have the Holy Spirit, and that isn't true either. I know plenty of Spirit filled Christians who don't. Either they have just never asked God for that gift, they go to a church that doesn't teach on it, or they're afraid of it because they don't understand so they want nothing to do with it. It's my prayer that this post may help alleviate the latter. On the other end of the spectrum are the denominations that believe that you shouldn't speak in tongues at all or that Satan can make you speak in tongues. We just covered what the Bible says about how we should use it and that we should do it. So that squashes the first part of that argument for me right there. As for the second half of that statement, the verse that comes to mind right away is Matthew 7:7-11. Which says, "Ask and it will be given to you..." It also says that God is a good father who knows how to give His children good gifts. So, if you ask God for this very special gift that is specifically to be used between you and Him, why on earth would Satan want be in on that?? Think about that one for a minute...

Next question; Can anyone speak in tongues whenever they want? The short and answer is yes. Should you do it whenever you want? Probably not in every circumstance. Trying to order breakfast at McDonald's would prove to be difficult if you try to do it in tongues. However, if you are praying for someone and aren't sure what to ask for, tongues is totally appropriate there. Go for it. It is something that can be controlled by you. God the Holy Spirit is a gentleman and will never force you to do anything outside of your own will. You can turn it on and shut it off as you please. Learning to use it has a small learning curve though. At first it may feel odd on just exactly how this is supposed to come out of your mouth. Unlike when we speak in the language we choose, we have to think about the words, what message we want to convey and how we will say it, our spiritual language is very different. We use words or syllables that are foreign to us. You have to yield what your lips and tongue want to do, to the Holy Ghost. As I said earlier, I was 11 when I accepted Jesus into my heart and received my prayer language. My mother prayed for me and I got it immediately. It doesn't happen that way for everyone, but it did for me. Some people might not receive it for months after they get saved, which is totally fine. When I started letting the sounds come out of my mouth, they were simple syllables. I allowed my mouth to do what it wanted (or really what God wanted) and put my voice behind it. I had that simple language until I was about 23 and then God expanded it upon my heartfelt request. And BOY did He expand it! It sounds like I'm speaking a foreign language fluently! Honestly, I might be since the Bible lists some of the different languages the disciples in the upper room were speaking in, that the people outside could hear and understand. (I don't say that to toot my own horn, I say it because it is only by the supreme power of God that I can do it at all, and He is just that awesome) Just another amazing supernatural way God can use anyone with this gift to speak to anyone else on the planet free of language barriers!

            Biggest question. (apparently) Is it to be used in the church today? A RESOUNDING YES!!! There are many uses for this gift! Whether during a church service or a private setting as a part of the The Church body, this gift has always been meant to play a part. I have been in a service when a message in tongues was given. I've also given them myself. There is almost always an interpretation given to either that person or to someone else in English (or whatever language is being spoken in the church) to edify or lift up the church. Sometimes it's a rebuke, sometimes it's an uplifting message or a message of conformation that what is being preached is true. Another way it can be used to edify The Church and the church body, is in a more private setting. When you pray in tongues, your spirit prays and always knows the perfect prayer. Sometimes you may be interceding for someone or a situation on the other side of the world. Sometimes you may just be praising God, or you may be praying the perfect prayer for something going on in your own life. 1 Corinthians 14:13 says, "For this reason, the one who speaks in a tongue should pray that they may interpret what they say." Sometimes I know what I'm praying about word for word, sometimes just the general idea. So if you do have this gift, pray that God would give you the translation. Prayer, no matter the language, is probably the single most powerful and perhaps underutilized gift God has given us. We can't see what goes on in the heavenly realms when we pray. We can't always see the impact it has or the things it sets into motion in the supernatural. But it does. I've seen too much evidence to believe otherwise.

Want to know how to get this gift? First, you need to be "Born again".  That is you have asked Jesus into your heart and asked Him to forgive your sins. Second, ask. The Bible says, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." Ask God for this gift, have someone who has it pray with you, or you can even ask someone who doesn't have it to pray with you! Maybe the Holy Spirit will fill you both! The Lord is a good father who delights in giving His children the desires of their hearts. It might not happen right away and that is alright. It doesn't mean God hasn't heard you. Keep pressing in, keep spending time with God, keep asking.

Until next time friends
